1-10 Number Line Subtraction Sheets

Subtraction is something kids learn quite early on in their learning journey, these resources have been made to both introduce the concept of subtraction and number line whilst also helping the kid practice. The sheets are simple and easy so can be used at home, school or a learning centre. 

I have also posted addition worksheet that you can check out here!

Sheet #1 
This sheet helps kids to understand how a number line is used, you can use this sheet as a resource to teach how to subtract using the number line. 

This can be used as a complementary teaching resource, so when you are explaining in class maybe you could use this sheet so the kids have it as something they can look at to help them understand the steps when they practice themselves perhaps using the sheet down below. 

It is also a fantastic resource to use at home when going over or introducing the concept to your child instead of having to have lots of tools to teach it to your kid- these two worksheets should be enough. 

Sheet #2 

This is a practice worksheet where kids can practice 1-10 subtraction using the number line. There's quite a few problems for them to attempt to get a really good grasp and practice at using the number line to visually see what is happening when they subtract. 

The subtraction exercises on this sheet are nice and simple for young kids who are just learning to subtract and it can also be used at home as a testing activity to make sure that the kids are practicing the skill even as they move on to learn new material in class. 

You can make it more by writing the answer in different ways:
  • paint
  • crayon
  • colouring pencil
  • glitter pens
  • marker
You can definitely find a way to help the child be creative whilst they're attempting the activity sheet since they'll enjoy it more. Let me know in the comments how you make it fun for your child!

I hope you find this resource useful, let me know how your child finds it and your approach to using the worksheets. I have some more resources available on my worksheet that you can check out. 

There is also an addition worksheet post on my blog too if you want to check that out, it would be useful to use both sheets together and explain to the child how addition and subtraction are opposites and help them understand the differences between them. 

For More Learning Printables...

Also, I have an etsy shop: misspurplehelper, where you can find more printables to use at home with your child and aid their learning. A couple of learning resources you'll find in my etsy shop are listed below:

This progress tracker is a fantastic way to keep track of what topics the child has learnt and how many times they have practiced or attempted the topic as well as record how they found it. It's a great way to keep track of progress as for each time they try that topic you can have a system which shows how strong their understanding is and how confident they are with the material. Also, I find its helps to ensure that you go back over topics to maintain practice.

This is all for me today. Keep a look out for more resources on my blog as I will be posting more simple and easy to use resources that help children to learn. 


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