Connective Worksheet

When kids enter KS1 especially Year 2 they start to learn about connectives and how to use them in their sentences to make them more interesting. The connective worksheet is a great way for kids who have been introduced to connectives and understand what they are to get a practice at using them and check their understanding.

The sentences are quite simple so that it just checks whether kids understand which connective is appropriate to use and also to show they understand what each connective means and how it fits into the sentence. A good idea might be to have the child explain why they used that particular connective instead of the other ones and this will to identify whether the child has a strong understanding of connectives and if they require further support and practice. 

Just like all of my worksheets I have aimed to make this one as simple and clear as possible because, as I have stated in a previous blog post, I want the kids to be engaged for the entire time they are doing the worksheet. So, I do not like to make them long and complicated and hopefully it should also help them to retain the information they have learned. 

The worksheet is in A4.

To print the worksheets:
Click on the sheet
Print on your computer

If you want it in a size other than A4 either reformat in your printer settings on your computer or copy to word and reformat there. 

For further printable resources check out the rest of the blog or head over to my Etsy shop to find really useful learning printables. One that I would recommend is the 'Progress Tracker' printable- this is an excellent way to keep track of the topics that the child has covered, how many times and which topics the child requires extra support and practice on. It is an excellent way to keep the child's learning organised and focus on key areas. Click here to know more!

Types of sentences and clauses sheet: these worksheets are great to help kids learn the different types of sentences and clauses and the practice sheets give them the opportunity to apply their learning. Find out more here!

Just like with every worksheet I would much appreciate any feedback and suggestions you guys have. As well as that please make sure to follow my blog for further resources!


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