Managing Time Activity Worksheet

 Welcome back to the blog with another worksheet!

This worksheet is a comprehension worksheet, as you would know from the last worksheet I did which was on saving money (link to it here) I like to do comprehension sheets that focus around life skills. Aside from learning facts or reading stories and building knowledge of those texts it is important that texts children read also focus around skills that they should be learning so that they can thrive when they enter adulthood.

 Actively teaching your kids life skills be that through texts, programmes or by getting them involved in tasks at home is a great way to build independence, resiliency and self-sufficiency as they get older. 

You can make your own list of life skills that you want your child to focus on learning depending on their age and ability. Doing this will make it easier for you to identify and organise resources that can be used for your child to start developing those key skills. This can perhaps be an activity that you can sit with your child and complete, getting them engaged in this and seeking their input can make them excited for this 'project'. 

Life skill that is focused on this worksheet is all about managing time. Knowing how to manage time effectively is a key skill that even adults struggle with so it is a great opportunity to introduce children the tools and resources that can help them organise and plan their time as they can master it by the time they are older. 

Time management requires discipline which is again a key attribute for success and happiness in life. Building this discipline in one's routine especially at a young age can make life so much more fulfilling and easier once a person is an adult.

Managing Time 

I am really excited to be sharing this worksheet with you because there are so many different activities for a child to get involved with that build all the different learning muscles and the child gets to explore and have fun.

For the first couple of tasks it is all about testing their knowledge and understanding around identifying key sections of a text where the child can find answers. This shows you whether a child has understood the text and the question.

The next activity allows a child to get creative because they will have to find resources that can help them identify three additional ways to manage their time, they can:
  • ask another person for ideas, 
  • use the internet or, 
  • use their own creative thinking to come up with an idea. 
Encourage kids to identify a list of resources and you can guide them if they need a little bit of help. Through this activity they can also build on their skill of researching and using the internet to find information they need. 

The final activity is again a way to help kids be more creative and build their problem solving skills to showcase a solution that they can use to manage their time. The child can take one of the ideas they discovered in task 3 and create a worksheet they can use to implement the idea.

I would love to know your thoughts around the worksheet and if you decide to use this then please leave a comment letting me know how you found it and how helpful it was to the child.

Additional Resources

Other resources that I would recommend you check out to aid your child's learning and development are:

These reading trackers are an excellent resource to help your child with keeping track of texts they have read and do a text analysis at the end. This can also be a great way to encourage your child to set reading goals and you can discuss rewards. 

I like these reading trackers because they're fun and have more to them than just a plain reading tracker. With the emoji reading tracker there is also a reading review sheet that is great for once the child finishes the text to review their thoughts and opinions on the text. 

Another resource that is super fun for kids is:

This is a great activity to do on weekends or at school as a fun way to learn. The children can get creative and work on their writing skills whilst having fun at the same time. Postcards can be posted to a family members house or you can even get a stamp and let the child post it to a family member or they can give it to someone they love like a friend or family member. If you are looking for a fun and creative way for kids to improve their writing skills then have a look at this resource, the postcards come in three options.

These are all the recommendations I have for today, you can check out my etsy shop for more learning and development resources.


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